
Product information

Acupresión Tailandesa

El libro guía completo de practicantes para la terapia física tradicional tailandesa

Guía paso a paso por Noam Tyroler

Türkiye"de mi yaşıyorsunuz? Kitabı satın almak için BURAYA tıklayın

Hechos sobre el libro:

  • Español/turco/mandarín
  • Libro de tapa blanda
  • Medidas del libro en cm: 30.5*21.5
  • Medidas del libro en pulgadas: 14.6 x 11.4 x 1.6
  • 357 páginas en color
  • 980 gramos
  • ISBN: 978-9659224227
  • 60 fórmulas médicas tradicionales
  • Atlas anatómico
  • 230 Puntos de acupresión
  • Sobre 200 diagramas
  • 800 fotos

¿Qué hay en este libro?

Esta guía completa incluye:
  • 60 fórmulas de medicina tradicional para el tratamiento de dolores ortopédicos
  • Un Atlas anatómico que muestra la ubicación de 230 puntos de acupresión
  • Más de 200 diagramas y más de 800 fotos
Este libro le guiará paso a paso a través del diagnóstico y aplicación de 60 rutinas tradicionales simples preparadas que se usan para el tratamiento de las dolencias ortopédicas más comunes, tales como:
  • Dolores de cabeza y trastornos faciales
  • Trastornos de cuello, hombro, brazo, codo y muñeca
  • Distensión de tobillo, dedos y dedos del pie
  • Trastornos de espalda media, baja, cadera, piernas y rodillas
Esta guía está hecha para usted si usted es un profesional de alguna de las siguientes prácticas: Masaje tailandés, acupresión, fisioterapia, quiropráctica, osteopatía, acupuntura, shiatsu, Tuina, Anma, reflexología, masaje de tejido profundo, masaje deportivo, y masaje holístico / sueco. Esta guía también es para usted si usted trabaja como entrenador personal, instructor de gimnasio, entrenador de Pilates, o un instructor de yoga. ¿Qué es la acupresión tailandesa? Es una antigua práctica médica tailandesa usada para tratar la mayoría de las enfermedades humanas mediante la aplicación de presión sobre puntos de acupresión potentes y líneas de terapia. El profesional utiliza sus pulgares, manos, codos y rodillas para trabajar sobre los canales de energía y puntos de terapia del cuerpo de su cliente. Este libro presenta la enseñanza básica de la acupresión tailandesa - el uso de combinaciones de puntos preparadas para tratar dolencias ortopédicas. Cada rutina de tratamiento se basa en una combinación de puntos determinada que trata un trastorno específico. La acupresión tailandesa es desconocida entre la mayoría de los occidentales, incluso los que están familiarizados con el masaje general tailandés. A diferencia del masaje general tailandés por todo el cuerpo, las rutinas médicas de acupresión tailandesas se usan para tratar dolores ortopédicos específicos. Estas son rutinas de tratamiento altamente efectivas que también son muy fáciles de usar.


RRuthe Horenstein

I’m a Traditional Thai massage and Thai acupressure practitioner. Below is a testimonial I would like to share with anyone considering buying this book. My client wrote the following after she received a treatment from me for a hip problem. Although she praises my work, I want to emphasize that the treatment used is taken directly from Noam Tyroller’s clear and beautifully illustrated book of extremely effective treatment sequences. I had very good results after only one treatment. From previous experience with these treatments,I’m quite certain that had she come back for further treatments, she would have been helped further.

“For almost a year I have been living with mild to moderate right hip pain that comes and goes but doesn’t interfere much with my daily activities. This past December, the pain took a new, disabling twist. I suddenly couldn’t walk up more than 5 stairs in a normal manner — i.e. step-over-step — right-left-right-left-right-OUCH!!! — without literally crying out in pain. I had to ascend all stairs and inclines leading with my left leg step-by-step or pulling myself up with a railing. After about 10 days of this, I went to see Ruthe for one treatment. The pain immediately diminished and miraculously I could walk up 3 flights of stairs that very evening step over step without that stabbing pain in my buttock!
I still have a chronic, manageable right hip problem, but that sharp, disabling pain never returned.
Ruthe worked very deeply on the muscles all around that hip, and she did everything I asked — including finding ways to prop up my leg in different positions so that I could be comfortable throughout the session. She was sensitive and flexible and gave me exactly the treatment I needed. I myself am a physical therapist and a massage therapist and not the easiest patient to satisfy. I highly recommend Ruthe!”

And I highly recommend Noam’s book to body work professionals.
Ruthe Horenstein

Joshua Jayintoh

Let us take something into account. These protocols and this knowledge goes back to around 3,000 years or more. In it’s earlier days, it is something that was been passed down orally from master to pupil. Not until King Rama 3 in the 1800’s did Thai Massage under the system of Traditional Thai Medicine become categorized, compiled, and recorded in a more organized manner. Even still, this knowledge was not recorded in such a manner wherein it could be easily accessible to a wider foreign public. Moreover, because it also deals with energy lines of the body’s subtle systems, something that mainstream Western medicine does not emphasize, that this book has been made, published, and is now accessible to a worldwide audience is a very blessed miracle.

Personally, because I am a bodyworker and have learned to read, write, and speak Thai I can appreciate this feat all the more. Because I lived in Thailand for many years and have received Thai Massage from living Thai masters and even amongst them there is still no such organization of all these protocols, it goes to show what an endeavor and masterful success this is. More-so, because I have received Thai Acupressure from living Thai Masters, I can speak for it’s validity, effectiveness, and potency.

On any everyday basis in Thailand this practice is used. It is commonplace.
It has been proven to help prevent and cure many common ailments. Please don’t believe me, go do the research yourself. Many of these common ailments, when not treated go on to cause serious health problems.
The whole point here is that, Thai Acupressure is powerful preventative medicine AND can also be used to treat and cure many common ailments. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

It goes without saying that I highly recommend this book to everyone, even those who know nothing about it. The language, simplicity, directness, and organization of this manual speaks volumes in itself. It is a beautiful reference book, and a fantastic guide.
Even more, Mr. Tyroler also offers courses to teach us how to properly practice this art and medicine. I have been lucky enough to take one of his trainings and will testify to his character, professionalism, skill, experience, wisdom, good sense of humor, and capability.

This book is a masterpiece, and what is even more masterful is that this is not Mr. Tyroler’s personal lineage or thoughts or system of medicine. This is a 3,000+ year old system which takes influences from Ayurveda and Chinese medicine and is a living gift that the Thai people have guarded for thousands of years.
Also, there are so so so very few westerners who have taken the time to understand and practice this knowledge. That Mr. Tyroler is proficient in the practice is amazing in and of itself. He teaches and shares with the grace, humility, embodiment, and funny elusiveness of the Thai masters; signs that he has put in his dues, earned his stripes, and is walking the walk. Those who have lived in Thailand would understand and appreciate this.

Please allow me to express my gratitude, respect, and admiration for Mr. Tyroler’s work. Kindly, please consider supporting, learning, and sharing this beautiful and incredibly pertinent knowledge which those who have experienced it hold dear in their hearts!

Kate Tremblay

This book is a treasure! A friend and I were both dealing with similar neck pain and decided to learn the sequence of acupressure points (“point protocol”) appropriate for our location pain and limited range of motion. We practiced on each other using this book as a guide. After the first round of working the points on my friend, we were both astonished at how much improvement was made. I did the same protocol three more times during that session and she experienced profound relief. The next week she did the same for me, and my year-long neck pain, which I had treated with therapeutic yoga practices, chiropractic adjustments, traditional Western massage therapy, and even Thai Bodywork, finally began to resolve. After another treatment some weeks later, the pain and limited movement were completely gone. I’ve remained pain-free for months now and have been grateful to resume my former activities.

Before Noam Tyroler wrote this book, anyone interested in learning how to locate Thai acupressure points, and how to assess which point protocol to use, would have had to memorize the material. Nothing was written down! Here we have clear guidelines for assessing pain by having the person we are treating perform simple movements. (For example, when turning the head to the left, is the neck pain on the left or the right? If on the left, we would use one point protocol, if on the right, another.) We have instructions in how to treat a point effectively, and we have a detailed map of the appropriate sequence of points to treat for many common aches and pains, literally from toes to head.
I am a licensed massage therapist and a Thai bodywork practitioner, and it may well be that my training makes finding the points a bit easier for me


This is the most expensive book I have bought on Amazon but it worth every cent. Best book for pain on the market better than Tung and TCM books. This person knows their stuff…only one problem the pictures that show each step could be bigger. For a beautiful book like this it is pointless to make the pictures so small. Otherwise excellent product.