
Skype Classes


Skype Exam is for those who can not attend my courses but are ready to train themselves using the Book and Video. A certificate can be obtained only by certified Practitioner in any method of manual therapy.NCB TNB certificate can be obtained by US Practitioners that are registered with the NCBTNB. The full course certificate  worth 30 CE Units

Skype Class How does it work?

(For anyone wanting my personal guidance).  Write to me to make an appointment and let me know what it is that you want us to work on. I will answer your questions, correct your technique and help you with line & point locations. Please be ready with a model/colleague so that you can demonstrate pressure techniques and point locations.

Contact me by email
Skype Exam How does it work?

Write to me to make an appointment (Skype or any other On-Line Meeting software). There are 60 treatment Routines in the program.
One routine exam should take between 1 5 minutes, depending on the number of points in the routine and on how trained you are. If you are very well trained, 1 minute can be enough for many of the routines. If I see that you are well trained I will ask you to do the important routines of each chapter only. If you are very well trained, 1 or 2 hours exam can be enough to cover all the routines. If you are less trained 3, 4 or 5 hours will be needed. We do not have to complete the exam in one session but can divide it into 1 hour sessions or even half an hour sessions. You do not need to wait until after you have learnt the entire program but have your exam after each chapter that you have learnt.

A One Routine Exam
Diagnosis (10 30 seconds should usually be enough for this part):

I will ask you to describe the usual symptoms of the condition, and in what these symptoms are different to those of other problems described in the chapter.

Treatment steps (10 30 seconds should usually be enough for this part):

I will ask you to describe treatment steps options.

Line and point locations (1 2 minutes should usually be enough for this part):
You need to have a model/colleague for this part

Use your index finger to show me point 1, then point 2 and the rest of the points.
Use your index finger to show me the lines.
The book can be open by your side.
You do not have to remember all the points by heart, you can take a look at the book every once in a while to remind yourself of the next point but you should know by heart the point’s location.

Skype Class/Exam Fee
  • $70 per 1 hour session
  • $40 half an hour session
  • You can pay in the shop for the Class/Exam time after our session.
How to learn and get ready for your exam?
  • Are you a certified Practitioner of manual therapy?
  • If you are, we can discuss your certificate options.
  • Do you have the Book Guide Thai Acupressure?
  • It will be easier to learn with the book on your side.
  • The video is made to complement the book by showing.
  • you how Thai Acupressure actually works.

Learning Thai Acupressure is simple

  • Take one protocol and learn it by reading in the book,
    watching the video and trying out on a Family member or a friend or best, on a colleague!
  • Understand the diagnosis and treatment steps.
  • Find the lines and find the points.
  • Continue to the next protocol in the chapter, then to the next.
  • Complete the full chapter and then move to the next one.
  • It’s good to learn the Headaches, neck and Shoulder one after the other as they share many of the points and lines.
  • Learn the Arm, Elbow, Wrist and Fingers together for the same reason.
  • Learn the Lower back and Hip only after you learn the Toes, Foot, Ankle, Knee and Leg chapters.

Why it’s best to learn with a colleague?

A colleague can give you a reliable feedback, they will work on you so you can feel the lines and points. You can “fight” over where exactly the point is. Learning with a colleague will make a significant contribution to the quality and speed of your progress.

Training yourself should take around 60 hours.
Any question?

Contact me by email
